st_ursula_poverty_awardSt Ursula College has been involved with Rosies in Toowoomba and Ipswich for over 3 years. The girls have been raising awareness, fundraising, and volunteering with Rosies with great dedication. St Ursula College has been nominated for the Anti-Poverty Awards for their commitment and action.

Please support St Ursula College by clicking on this link and voting for them!

fr johnWe make assumptions based on our own knowledge. Yet, if we take the time to listen to people with our heart we can appreciate them for who they truly are. All of us are gifted, but our individual talents are not always obvious; most treasures are hidden. God’s creation is diverse and unique, which makes it beautiful and inspiring rather than monotone and dull. God values us for who we are and we are invited to imitate Him. We are encouraged to value each other for our uniqueness. Let us appreciate the diversity God put in His creation and go beyond our presumptions to discover who a person really is through understanding and charity.

Fr John David
Rosies’ Chaplain

Ipswich_softballThe young players at the Ipswich Softball Association raised funds for Rosies by having a cuppa and spending a night at the softball park. Our team leader, Ashley, met the players and talked them through Rosies’ support in the community. Education and awareness are an important part of prevention and support. Rosies is actively involved in a number of initiatives, such as this visit, to support young people. You can help too, have a cuppa this Spring.


Rosies has temporarily relocated our Friday and Saturday night outreaches to the Cathedral of St Stephen.Brisbane City Council has encouraged street van services to be located in  off-street premises. The Archbishop of Brisbane has kindly agreed to trial our Outreach for eight weeks.
Look out for further updates.

The new street outreach van was blessed by the Bishop of Cairns the Most Reverend James Foley. Thanks AMA. Services have commenced Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights.

Gold Coast

The Rosies Gold Coast branch has started a new outreach in Nerang. The van is at to Bischoff Pioneer Park on Wednesdays from 7.30pm – 9.00pm.


Jon Martlew, our Toowoomba Branch Coordinator, went homeless for a week during the Homelessness Prevention Week. Our Patron, Leneen Forde, and Chair, John Scoble, took part in launching Jon’s sleepout at the Homlessness Prevention Week commencement exhibition. During the week Jon slept rough, hung out with our friends on the street, joined our outreaches and had a cuppa to raised funds for Rosies. Well done Jon!

rosies_prison_visit_outreachLisa and Louise have been volunteering with Rosies’ outreach to the Brisbane Youth Detention Centre for over a decade. Here Lisa and Louise give us an inside of their experience.

“The outreach starts with the usual formalities. We first sign in. IDs are checked. We then go through the metal detector before passing the security gates. We are in. We find out who we will visit (that day) according to the recent events, behaviours, and moods.
Most detainees come from dysfunctional families and do not receive any visit, but ours.

There are a number of sections to the centre. Each has about  5 to 12 young detainees. We join the three staff members who are also present in the room. We have never felt unsafe while taking part to this outreach.
Many of these young people are surprised we come to visit them. They make us feel humble, as seeing a friendly face from Rosies can have a big impact on them. Especially when they are told we are volunteers. The simple fact of being there regularly makes a difference.

We often do not realise how much of a positive impact such small things can mean. Just remembering their name, bringing a new card game, a smile, or the simple fact of being here for them makes a difference.”

It is only thanks to our wonderful volunteers, like Lisa and Louise, that Rosies can continue outreaches such as this. You make a difference by getting involved.

Article ImageLucy* aged 16 had to leave school and home abruptly. In fact, she had to run. Unfortunately her story is too familiar. Over 40% of those experiencing homelessness in Australia are aged 25 or younger.

Most young people experiencing homelessness are not homeless by choice. It is their only option. Often they are hidden. Young people who are homeless are also more likely to experience higher unemployment than the rest of the population, often have worse health outcomes, and have little to no income. Homelessness can become a cycle once started, especially when so young.
We engage youth through education, awareness and volunteer programs, which play a vital role in prevention and support as well as many outreach services. We thank the many primary and high schools around the state for supporting Rosies and our friends in so many ways.  You make a difference to help break this cycle of homelessness by supporting Rosies. Have a cuppa for Rosies this Spring to support youth at risk like Lucy or donate now.

Andrew O'Brien,  General ManagerWe all understand the value of friends in our lives. One of the many privileges I have is to share experiences of friendship with  many amazing young students involved in our Schools Engagement Program.
The vitality and warmth of these young people continues to put a spring in the step of our volunteers and patrons.
Unfortunately some young people in our communities are struggling to find hope and therefore it is important we continue to offer experiences of friendship to them. The commitment of our Rosies volunteers to turn up at each Outreach is fundamental to building relationships and hope. Your support makes a difference.

Andrew O’Brien,
General Manager