Life started out pretty good for the Roberts family*. Kim met Matt on holidays. It was great. Ten years, two kids, and a mortgage later it was not. It happened slowly. First it was the control over finances. Money was tight. Looking ‘good’ became secondary. The emotional abuse started. Matt got another job after his company went bust – half the money. The bills piled up after Christmas. One of the kids got sick. The fights got ugly. They lost the house. Unfortunately the Roberts story is not unique.
Every year an immeasurable number of families have their lives disrupted due to domestic and family violence, which are major reasons for homelessness.
This May is Domestic & Family Violence Prevention Month.
Of the 20,000 Queenslanders homeless tonight, almost half are women, and over 40% are aged 25 or under. Women are particularly impacted and are often the ‘hidden’ homeless. Men, who can be equally confused, looking for ways to address their use of violence and destructive patterns are more likely to sleep without shelter. Rosies is there to help with friendship, support, and connection.
It’s amazing what a simple cuppa, bite to eat, and a chat can do. Your donation will make the difference.

You make a difference this Autumn find out how or donate now.

logan_outreach_friends_on_the_streetRosies Logan outreach now meets at the corner of Station, Wembley, and Ewing Roads each Wednesday and Friday. The location turns into an ‘ephemeral village’ with our many friends on the street able to enjoy a cuppa, bite to eat, and chat with the Rosies team – as well as a variety of other services from our collaborating partners, ranging from having their laundry done, to a haircut, meals, and medical attention.

In other related news, our court outreach in Beenleigh has moved to Mondays as the team continues to collaborate with local services.

Rosies would also like to congratulate our Logan/Beenleigh branch coordinator, Margaret Harvey on being a finalist in the Citizen of the Year for Logan City award. Margaret has been with Rosies for over 10 years and is an absolutely astonishing community member (pictured). Thank you Margaret, and all of our wonderful volunteers across Queensland on behalf of Rosies and our many friends.You are all simply wonderful. You make the difference!

Thanks must go to the ongoing collaborative effort from many of our corporate partners including Biopak, LJ Hooker Gold Coast, Chrisco, Surfers Paradise Alliance, Skypoint, Active8Change, and Worldwide Printing Solutions, and so many more. You all make the difference.
Rosies operates only thanks to the many collaborative efforts of our teams within their local communities.
Rosies street vans now gather, for example, with Orange Sky Laundry in Ipswich, Logan, and the Gold Coast. The Street Doctors join in many locations, and many more local groups are taking part in our outreaches to support our friends on the street.

It is thanks to these collaborations, as well as your support, that Rosies can do what we do best.

Find out how you can get involved


Rosies Christmas on the Street 2015 celebrations brought out some beautiful stories when our communities came together with our many friends. The simply joy of sharing times with those who may otherwise have spent the festive season on their own truly made a huge difference.Thank you to our wonderful extended family community of volunteers, partners, donors, and supporters.
The joy can best be described by one of our recently retired long time volunteers, Paul Cervetto.

“I started with Rosies like most volunteers, out of a sense that I wanted to help out somewhere, somehow.
I wasn’t trying to change the world; I knew I couldn’t change peoples’ lives or their circumstance. What I could do though was make them a coffee, listen to their stories, have a laugh with them, feel their frustrations or sorrows, and then get them another cup of coffee. I don’t know if my going to Rosies for 9 years has made one bit of difference to the wider world. In fact I know it hasn’t. It has, however, made an enormous difference to my world. And I truly believe Rosies will continue to make a difference in the worlds of the people who come to each outreach, volunteers and patrons alike. Simply by being, the place where you, I, and they meet, in the power of Your love and the joy of Your friendship.”

Find out how you can get involved.

Well done and a huge thank you to everyone who dared take on the challenge to climb Q1 for Rosies and our many Gold Coast friends on the street. What a monumental effort. Thank you to Active8Change and Skypoint for nominating Rosies as charity of choice. Thank you to our wonderful volunteers making the event so spectacular. Images and more information will be provided on our web and facebook pages.
Our event volunteer coordinator, Victoria De Sisto, led the Rosies team to new heights.

“I reached the top, and I had fun – that was my goal! It gave me enormous personal satisfaction to climb the building and I am so proud of our team effort. We are all even more proud to have climbed for Rosies, raising awareness and much needed funds for those most in need, especially those locals experiencing homelessness. I have been a volunteer with Rosies street outreach on the Gold Coast for over three years. There are lots of little things that remind me why, and of what a huge difference Rosies makes. I hear so many stories from our friends on the street who rely on our outreach – regardless of the challenges or the weather! When you see how grateful our friends are for that simple cup of coffee and a bit of conversation, you know how important it is to be there especially in times of difficulty. And seeing some whose lives turn around for the better is wonderful. When you don’t see a friend but know that it’s because they have found work, a place to live, or are just getting on with their lives independently it’s fantastic. A feeling almost as good as climbing Australia’s tallest building!  Rosies is also a wonderful support community within the volunteers, some have gone through their own tragedies and our extended family really comes together to support one another during these times.”

You can still support climbers and teams with their fundraising efforts online and help smash our record !

Find out more.

Rosies is sending another call out for a local champion to coordinate the development team for our new Wynnum branch. Is it you? Momentum is building; interest in the community is strong.

find out more.

sunshine_coast_homeless_charityRosies is always amazed by the support shown by the community and the Sunshine Coast is no exception. Rosies is so proud and honoured by the power of giving and support shown to our many friends on the street and we would like to mention and thank just a few, anonymously here. One family has been supplying a hundred sweet packs for our Caloundra Christmas on the Street for years.
Another little girl this year cooked cookies and sold them over her holidays raising over $200 for Rosies. Others have made arrangements to donate backpack beds and warm woollies to local farmers and others in need. What a community, thank you, thank you, thank you all.

Find out how you can support your local branch.

Rosies Toowoomba branch has a number of partnerships with local businesses we would like to thank. Recently, our Branch coordinator, Jon Martlew was presented with a $1,500 cheque from the Power Tynan Charitable Trust. Funds donated will be used to operate the street outreach programs.
“Our work is mostly funded by donations such as this from the local community, so we really appreciate the support. Regardless of the weather, our teams provide friendship and encouragement, as well as a cuppa and a bite to eat to those in need.”

Find out how you can support your local branch.

Another local collaboration is underway in Mareeba. Our branch is pleased to announce the renovation of our shared meeting room with the local Indigenous Connections group thanks to the support of the local Catholic Parish. Thanks to a grant from the Queensland Government’s Gaming Community Benefit Fund to Rosies, walls and fit out are now being added to what was previously an open shed.

Find out how you support your local branch.

Local Ipswich 10 year old student, Stephanie (pictured) is our very own little miss sunshine. Too young to be involved with volunteering, Stephanie decided on her own merits to be awesome and fundraise for Rosies – providing hygiene packs, thermal socks, backpacks, noodles, and more. Our Rosies Ipswich team warmly welcomed Stephanie’s donation. Rosies could not operate without the generosity of wonderful supporters like Stephanie. Thanks!
