Ipswich volunteer shares Rosies with Girl Guides

Amberley Girl Guides

Rosies volunteers come from many different places, circumstances, and stages in life; the one thing they all have in common is their large capacity for love and the desire to give freely of their time. Our volunteers give back to their communities in so many ways not just through their work with Rosies. However, we often find that the Rosies community brings our message of love, acceptance, friendship and belonging with them to work, in their home and to their various other activities.  

Rosemary Bailey has been volunteering with our Ipswich branch since April 2022 and has been involved with Girl Guides in some way for almost 70 years, first as a Brownie in the UK and most recently as a unit leader of the Amberely Girl Guides. Through various activities inspired by the unit’s curiosity, Rosemary has taught the girls about Rosies and encouraged them to think outside the box in their pursuit of helping others.      

“Around Easter this year, I was telling the girls about the service that Rosies gives to the community. The girls asked what they could do to help, and I suggested the eggs I usually give to them for an easter egg hunt could be donated to Rosies,” Rosemary said.  

“The girls readily agreed to and made some easter cards to go with them. One girl even gave me the pocket money she had earned to buy several dozen hot cross buns for the patrons,” she continued.  

The Amberley unit enjoyed the activity so much and were curious about other ways they could support the work that Rosemary and the other Ipswich volunteers did each week. 

“The girls were quite keen and so was the local Willowbank Community, who meet in our guide hut quarterly.  The Willowbank Community asked me to give an impromptu talk at one meeting, which resulted in a new relationship being built and regular donations of sleeping bags, winter coats etc and other basic items,” Rosemary said.  

“From this came the idea to produce the water-resistant ground sheets from chip packets.  Guide units throughout our Moogerah Region now contribute chip packets for our unit to use.  The girls have really enjoyed making the ground sheets and come up with a multitude of uses: capes, covering their belongings although with helping people stay dry and warmer at night,” Rosemary said. 

The Girl Guides puts special emphasis on building confidence, creating a sense of belonging and serving others – all values that the Rosies community also holds dear. We are so grateful for the support of the Amberley Girl Guides unit for their generosity and for all the units throughout the Moogerah Region that support them.  

Rosies is also especially grateful for volunteers like Rosemary who not only give generously on outreach but also dedicate the time to shaping and nurturing young people and sharing a bit about Rosies along the way.  

If you would like to share Rosies with your community please contact our Engagement & Fundraising Manager, Lacee Overton to discuss ideas.