YEP participants share their experience
Ted, Matthew, Eitan
Ambrose Treacy College students
On 17th May we were lucky enough to be the first representatives of Munster House to attend Rosies outreach as part of the Youth Engagement Program. Rosies is an organisation that provides friendship and connection to people on the street, particularly the homeless or those living rough.
We were fortunate to join a team of amazing and experienced volunteers including ATC’s Ms E. Together we provided hot and cold drinks, snacks and hygiene products to members of the community all while engaging in conversation and talking with patrons. On outreach we were really impressed by the way the Rosies team lived out their mission statement of “Friends on the Street”.
With our house motto being “We rise by lifting each other”, the message that Rosies promotes resonates with us closely. It was inspiring to see the impact the van had on the patrons, but also the impact the patrons had on us. We met a number of great people, and the friendships we made truly lifted us up and inspired us.’