Chaplain’s Corner
30 years ago the first Rosies mission to the Gold Coast was established. Since then the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate and Iona College have supported Rosies spiritually, financially, and practically. It is my privilege to have followed a line of dynamic and capable chaplains. I am inspired by the work of Rosies and the commitment and joy of its volunteers.
Having been on outreach a number of times per week across Queensland over the last two years, I am conscious of how God weaves his presence through the sharing of friendship that is the mission of Rosies. God’s presence is one of hope.
Last month I was alerted to the sad death of Steve, 47 years old, who had been a patron for some period of his life. Steve seems to have come into the Rosies family and then gone, without leaving a footprint, but as is always the case with our patrons, he made friends. Steve’s parents commented that he “regularly ‘turned up’ for meals … sometimes barbeques, tea and coffee, etc which were provided by Rosies in such a caring, non-judgmental way.”
In their sorrow Steve’s family and friends have reached out by supporting Rosies so that others may be assisted. We share in the hope of eternal life for Steve and pray for his family and friends.
John David OMI
Rosies Chaplain