Compassion in action

Stephanie Bell presented food and toiletry supplies donated by the Walloon School community to Rosies Ipswich Coordinator Barry Rienecker watched on by Casey Seaton from Scripture Union Qld.
WHEN you have a drive to help others and make the world a better place to live in, particularly for those who are homeless it is no surprise when that person does make a difference.
The surprise is that this time it is not an adult making a difference but a Year 6 student from Walloon State School.
Stephanie Bell is described by the school chaplain, Rebecca Hewett, as a compassionate young lady who will change the world, one project at a time.
“Stephanie is kind and softly spoken, Stephanie has a passion to make the world a better place and loves to help others, particularly those who are less fortunate. […]
“She wanted to run a compassion project in the school, asking the school community to donate basic items such as toothpaste, tooth brushes, deodorant, noodle and soup cups and biscuits.”
Rebecca said the project was well supported by the school community with two baskets of toiletries and groceries collected.
“Stephanie was able to present the items to Barry, from Rosies – Friends on the Street, who was very thankful for the items and that Stephanie has made this happen.”
Courtesy Moreton Border News August 25 2017