A foundation for a moral life

By Andrew Bazzo, Acting Assistant Principal – Religion
Our Lady of the Way, Petrie

Jan Youngman and Maree Prins, of the Caboolture Outreach, came to visit Our Lady of the Way school at Petrie in connection to students’ learning in Religious Education lessons. 

Maree, Jan and some of the Year 3 students

Year Three teacher Teri Pearce says, “This term the students have been recognising how scripture provides a foundation for living a moral life.  Throughout this unit, students have been learning about the Fruits of the Holy Spirit, Beatitudes and the Ten Commandments.  They have been identifying respect for basic human rights and acknowledgment of responsibilities, in particular the poor and disadvantaged.  We have been viewing stories from Caritas to support this.” 

The students viewing some images from outreach

“I feel the introduction to Rosies has allowed students to connect their learning of the poor and disadvantaged as they have learnt of ways in which our community helps those in need,” says Mrs Pierce.

Jan and Maree spoke to the students about the origins of the Rosies Outreach, a little about the lives of patrons as well as the ways Rosies can support them. As long-term Outreach leaders and volunteers, Jan and Maree talked about their experiences and about what a normal Friday night might look like on the streets. The students were very engaged, asking many questions in response to the stories being told. Finally, the students had the opportunity to see inside the van and the types of care packages on board for patrons at this time of year. 

Our Lady of the Way staff and students are very appreciative and grateful to Jan and Maree for giving up their time to visit our school and share their experiences of Rosies. The care and compassion shown by these women in their mission will no doubt enlighten our students and hopefully encourage them to take action in the future.