Raising Awareness about Homelessness

August started with Homelessness Week; an opportunity for Rosies to raise awareness about Homelessness. There are currently 105 237 people homeless in Australia according to the latest figures from Homelessness Australia. The majority of these people do not sleep rough, but are rather referred to as ‘hidden homeless’ people and range in age and demographics. There are children, teenagers, parents and grandparents. As part of the weeklong event Rosies seized the opportunity to engage with local communities.

On the Sunshine Coast Rosies took part in the Annual Homeless Connect at Nambour. The team interacted with the crowd informing people about how Rosies extends friendship to the community.

Many initiatives were  sparked from schools across Queensland to support Rosies and our many friends on the street. In Cairns St Mary’s Catholic College collected instant noodles cups and blankets, while our local coordinator Lyall engaged with students at the James Cook University – Volunteer & Study Abroad Expo.

In Brisbane our coordinator Sarah visited Lourdes Hills and San Sisto colleges both raising awareness about the issue related to homelessness and holding donation drives for the Brisbane branch.

In Burpengary St Eugene College held a very successful sleepout. “This year I have had the opportunity to be part of Rosies –Friends on the Street [Student Engagement] Program at Caboolture, this has certainly raised my awareness to the difficulties that come with being homeless” said Yr 12 Vice – Captain Ailish Roston.

Meanwhile, the Molloy Movers from St Columban’s College hosted their first Donation Day. For every item donated, students and staff received a token that could be traded in for a cup of hot pumpkin or tomato soup cooked by the students themselves. Thank you to all the participants.

Rosies Gold Coast had an early Christmas as our team received a beautiful new bench generously offered by JAL Joinery Pty Ltd. The bench replaced our old bench on which we serve our patrons. It is a lot nicer and far more welcoming now.