Rosies Branch Coordinators Forum 2017

They are truly an inspiration. Rosies Coordinators provide constant leadership with incredible dedication, invaluable experience and indomitable spirit. They are the glue that keep it all happening and the recognisable face which engenders support in each community.
Coordinators Wendy, Lisa, Margaret, Barry, Fay, Jim, Annette, Sarah, Madison, Helen, Cathy, Carolyn and Lyall came together with staff (Andrew, Cathy, Christian and Lee), Chaplain (Fr John David) and Board Chair, John to share their uniqueness and consolidate their consistency in delivering the mission of Rosies.

Front left to right: Wendy, Cathy B., Margaret, Carolyn, Annette, Andrew. Back left to right: Lee, Madison, Lyall, Fr John David, Faye, Helen, Sarah, Lisa, Cathy L.