Simply grateful…
We are very grateful Tony invited us to his graduation after his successful completion of 6 months of rehabilitation at Logan House. Tony lived with his addiction to alcohol and drugs for thirty five years. From Rosies he met people who cared. He accepted the hand offered to him and although he admits there is still a rough road ahead, he is forever grateful for the friendship and kindness received from Rosies.
On the Gold Coast Jaimey-Lee offers her time and talent as a hairdresser to groom our patrons on the second Thursday of the month at the Rosies drop in centre.
In Brisbane our coordinator Sarah was invited for morning tea at the Delamore Retirement Community. Residents were thrilled to have a look at our Rosies van. All were eager to find out more about what we do and who we serve. Residents held a craft stall and raised some funds to support Rosies and our many friends on the street.
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Gayndah held a ‘Wheel for Rosies‘ Day to support Rosies and our many friends on the street. Students were invited to bring their bikes, scooters or skates to school, along with a gold coin donation. They rode and raced in the sport centre at lunchtime.
Meanwhile, John Paul College Middle School students hosted a fun run and sausage sizzle fundraiser for Rosies. The entire school also enjoyed a free dress day with money also donated to Rosies.