Sunshine Coast Branch – it is about giving and sharing

sunshine_coast_rosies_friends_on_the_streetIt is often said that ‘there is more happiness in giving than in receiving’, and at Rosies we could not agree more. Our Sunshine Coast branch not only experiences it while on outreach, we also share the kind support for emergencies (such as drought and flood relief) with the Sisters of Mercy. This order assists people who are most in need in the outback. This collaboration enables our local Rosies team to assist in answering many calls received beyond our branch outreach ability. We know it makes a difference to the many families who live remotely. They are certainly not forgotten! We are also very thankful to Express Print & Mail (EMP) for kindly providing a brand new A-frame sign to help our many friends locate us at our various outreach venues on the coast. More proof that there is great joy in sharing and equally great joy in giving. Thanks

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