Halcyon Parks Art Group supports Rosies

Last week Carolyn Wilson, coordinator of the Sunshine Coast branch, was invited to attend the Halcyon Parks Art Group for morning tea and to speak about the work Rosies does in our local community.
Despite the small gathering, there were many questions at the end of her talk from very interested members of the group. Carolyn enjoyed morning tea and chatted with members of the group who showed her their paintings and drawings.
She was then given a short tour of the complex which is so neat and clean, despite it being 17 years old. The group holds both an arts and a craft exhibition on alternate years. There were a few charities the group was interested in supporting however, Rosies was the name drawn out of the hat. How fortunate are we!!!
Ruth said she thought Carolyn would stay for only 10 mins but the morning was too eventful and she stayed nearly 2 hours chatting happily with everyone.