Lindsay & Sherrill Hamon (Branch Coordinator)
Deputy Branch Coordinator Team
Reenie Watego
Mick Halsell
Ash Silver
Rosies has changed in many ways from our humble beginnings in the seaside town of Rosebud, VIC – no longer do a small group of dedicated individuals give up 12 months of their life to outreach across Queensland. Today we have a team of 1,500 passionate and dedicated volunteers who spend a few hours a month creating meaningful connections and sharing friendship with individuals who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, socially isolated or lonely.
Rosies places our friends, patrons and many volunteers at the top of our organisational structure. Our CEO leads a small team of people behind the scenes who support the amazing work done by our Branch Coordinators, Team Leaders, and Volunteers in service of our many friends. Our board provides governance for the organisation and we are blessed to have Sir Peter and Lady Lynne Cosgrove and the Honourable Leneen Forde as our Patrons.
Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers, without your tireless effort and commitment to community there would be no Rosies.
Lindsay & Sherrill Hamon (Branch Coordinator)
Deputy Branch Coordinator Team
Reenie Watego
Mick Halsell
Ash Silver
Currently Recruiting
Chief Executive Officer
Volunteer &
Outreach Manager
Fundraising &
Engagement Manager
Business Manager
HeartWorks Employment
Office Manager
& PA to the CEO
His Excellency the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd) & Lady Lynne Cosgrove
The Honourable Leneen Forde AC