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Volunteer with Rosies
According to Volunteering Queensland, our volunteers time equates to 2.4million dollars each year, without their dedication there would be no Rosies.
Each night our team of more than 1,300 volunteers head out to outreach at locations across the state to share friendship and create belonging with thousands of Rosies patrons.
On The Street Volunteers are asked to commit to a minimum of 4 hours once a month to outreach.
- Each volunteer is assigned to a team and each team goes out on the street once a month. The location is always the same so that our patrons know where we will be and when.
- The team meets at the branch base at the designated time and over the course of an hour they catch up with each other to develop the sense of community and family that we take on to the street.
- They prepare the van, share relevant information and review recent street reports so they know what has been happening on the street.
- The Team Leader conducts a simple reflection with the team and leads the Rosies prayer, then the team travels to the outreach location together in the Rosies van.
- The team spends two hours on the street sharing friendship with a simple drink and a bite to eat.
- After two hours the outreach is concluded and the team travels back to base together in the Rosies van.
- The team unpacks, cleans up and debriefs before leaving for home.
Contact Our Branches
Youth Detention Centre
- YDC volunteers undergo special training for the YDC.
- Volunteers are placed in a team and each team attends the YDC once a month (Saturday or Sunday afternoons).
- Teams meet at the YDC in Wacol and the Team Leader conducts a simple pre-brief; catch up, information sharing, Rosies prayer before entering the YDC.
- Teams interact with the young people under the supervision of YDC staff for approximately 1.5 hours.
- Once finished the Team leader conducts a simple debrief with volunteers before everyone leaves.
These close-knit teams find real joy in the mission of Rosies, to hear from them in their own words watch their video.
Why Volunteer ?
There are many benefits to volunteering, studies have shown that it can give you a sense of achievement and purpose, help you feel part of a community, help you feel better about yourself, help you learn new skills and create a better work-life balance, combat stress, loneliness and social isolation, depression, and help you meet new people.1
There are also some practical benefits to volunteering your time:
- A study by career builder found that 60% of hiring managers see the act of volunteerism as a valuable asset when making recruitment decisions.2
- 92% of human resource executives agree that contributing to a nonprofit can improve an employees leadership skills.3
Many of our volunteers also say that they get as much if not more out of attending outreach as our patrons do. To hear from some of the patrons we’ve helped click here.
There are many ways to volunteer with Rosies, whether it’s joining a branch, attending an outreach, participating at Schoolies, or acting in admin or runner capacity for head office or a particular branch.