
Rosies A Home For All

A house is a home, and looking from the outside gives one only a glimpse of its structure and how well it is built. The exterior focuses on keeping the attention of those passing by, whereas the interior may be adorned with portraits of ancestors, photos of nature, divine pictures and statues, historical figures and role models. It’s full of our memories; it is these memories, past, present and future, that gives beauty to the interior of a home.

Therefore, the exterior design and elegance of a house does not wholly determine the interior essence of what a home is. A home is much more than that of the constructed four walls and roof, a home is where your love and affections dwell. Thus, it is an enjoyable, secure, warm and happy place to live, laugh and learn.

In my search to find the origins of the word “Home”, I found an interesting, exciting, and of course promising explanation of the word. The word ‘Home’ derives from the old English word “HĀM” (not the pig), which actually refers to a village or estate where many souls are gathered. The Latin root word for “Home’ comes from the same word we use for human being. In other words, a home is the abiding place of affections. Thus, the foundation of the word ‘Home’ means where not just your heart is, but where the hearts of those you love and trust are. Unlike the two sides of the same coin, heart and home are interconnected as inseparable twins.

It’s within the connectedness between hearts and home, Rosies exists for those who are homeless, at risk of homelessness or socially isolated. Having over 1350 volunteers with open and undivided hearts to serve and be a blessing to all in need, Rosies strives to create a sense of “home” without walls, doors or a roof. It is simply the spirit of the Rosies Prayer that gives inspiration and strength to every Rosies Volunteer during rough, challenging and difficult times.

O Jesus,
Make our HEARTS so HUMAN
That others may feel at HOME with us,
So, like Yours
That others may feel at HOME with You,
So forgetful of self
That we might simply become the place
Where You and they meet
In the power of Your love
And the joy of Your friendship.

Rosies was founded in the spirit and charism of Oblates of Mary Immaculate in the 1970’s by the late Fr. Tom Shorthall OMI (Oblates of Mary Immaculate).  Fr. Tom started gathering the young people in Rosebud Victoria with a clear vision to enable everyone to experience human dignity. Therefore, Rosies inspirational founder is the human form of Jesus, from whom everything flows upon the earth. As we read in the Gospel of John, “the Word became flesh and pitched His tent among us and grows in the hearts of humanity”.  As a human, Jesus indeed welcomed, loved, cared, and even forgave without favor and unconditionally.

The mission of Rosies encounters those on the street who are away from home, offers encouragement to build inner strength and sense of self.

It is therefore worth the examination of the language frame of Rosies, reflecting on what the words ‘home’, ‘homeless’, and ‘homelessness’ conjure up.

HOME: warmth, solidarity, sharing, welcome, familiar, comfortable, open, caring, listening, forgiving, rest, peace, laughter, tears, consolation, unconditional, genuine, relaxed, security, protection, guidance etc.…

HOMELESS:  lost, alone, separated, cut off, alienated, strange, foreign, refugee, discarded, anger, bewilderment, violence, personal and social isolation, powerless etc.….

HOMELESSNESS: living on the streets, moving between temporary shelters, living in private boarding houses etc.…

This then tells us what our ministry is about. In our home of hospitality, love, joy, peace and friendship, we welcome those from every corner of society with unconditional acceptance. Like Jesus, we invite all to the banquet.

Fr. Joe Antony OMI