Message from our General Manager

Andrew O'Brien, General ManagerIn late January I had the sad privilege of attending a memorial service for Shorty, a long-time friend on the street of Rosies in Surfers Paradise. Shorty’s memorial service was beautifully arranged by the Anglican community led by their minister Fr Jon Brooks.
Some of Shorty’s friends on the street poured out their hearts and souls in eulogies of tremendous power and humour. Along with providing basic material and emotional support, burying the dead is a traditional act of mercy.
It brought home to me that our Rosies volunteers, well represented at Shorty’s memorial, are there at every moment, including the last, for our friends on the street earthly lives. Our prayers are with Shorty forever.
Over recent months our network of collaborating organisations and individuals has grown, importantly at the outreach level and also in the areas of research, leadership development, and systems.  Together we can achieve so much more.
I trust you continue to be inspired by the work of Rosies through our dedicated volunteers, collaborating organisations, and wonderful supporters. You will see in this newsletter the breadth and diversity of those connected through Rosies. Whatever trials are facing our friends there is always joy and hope in our gatherings on the street.

Andrew O’Brien
Rosies General Manager

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