
Rest and Recover at Schoolies

It has been a ritual for the last 29 years. Rosies is the longest serving community organisation at the schoolies safety program. We collaborate with State Government and Gold Coast City Council’s comprehensive safety and support program to make Schoolies Week as safe as possible. About 50 Rosies volunteers have signed up to a renamed Schoolies Rest & Recharge Zone outreach. Our teams will be present each night until midnight over the week long celebration (19-25 November). Rosies will provide free mobile water supply while interacting and reassuring teenagers. Our volunteers are trained to respond to offer support, information and refer to other services if need be. The Rest and Recharge Zone is a place where teenagers can sit, relax, and recharge.

gold coast schoolies - safety response

Rosies Rest & Recharge Schoolies outreach at Gold Coast Schoolies Week 19-25 Nov