My Rosies Story – making a difference in Brisbane city

Driven by an ardent desire to make a difference Rosies Team Leader (TL) Nicki joined us ten years ago.
“It’s not always easy as an individual to reach people in those situations (it’s impossible to help everyone), but being part of Rosies gives you that coordinated approach and makes you feel you are contributing to the well being of the community.”
For Nicki being present and showing compassion without making any judgement is the very foundation of a Rosies outreach. It is only human to develop bonds with people we regularly meet.
“The other day I was quite concerned for one of our friends. He needed almost everything, including blankets and essentials. He said he had been beaten up and that all his things were stolen. I offered him a clothing voucher and a food voucher to help him out. He wasn’t keen on going to the doctor because the last time he went they kept him in for testing for a couple of days before they released him. It broke my heart…to think he may not get the care he needed because he was afraid to put himself at risk of psyche testing. That was a reality check, because Rosies outreach can be a really up beat experience, we try to make it as fun as possible, so you sometimes forget how vulnerable our friends are”.
Luckily we also collaborate with other organisations who provide the support we don’t, such as medical services or clothes washing.
“You don’t always feel the immediate impacts of what we do, but I have seen their (our friends’) disappointment, when we’ve had to tell them, that due to extraordinary conditions we could not make the outreach. Or if a new patron should have a gripe or grievance, our regulars are the first to rush to our defence. They are so appreciative and so grateful, that we know we make a difference. My previous team leader used to say to all our students, that our friends love Rosies at every pre-brief, I was often dubious … but you know what… I think they really do”.