New life, new home
With up to a third of supported accommodation seekers women fleeing domestic violence, the link between homelessness and domestic violence is clear – and the need for assistance is pressing.
Rosies Gold Coast branch has been forging links with local DV services, including Assist A Sista, to help women to rebuild their lives and move back into the wider community.
While food parcels are a regular offering for Rosies on the Gold Coast, for women who are leaving a refuge and trying to establish themselves in a new home, Rosies offers something a little different.
Along with regular food parcels, volunteers put together ‘Pantry Boxes’ to help establish a woman in her new kitchen.
The boxes are intended to help defray the initial costs of setting up a pantry, containing larger items that are used frequently but replaced only occasionally.
Gold Coast Branch Coordinator Wendy Coe says the boxes are made up of pantry staples rather than fresh fruit or vegetables.
‘They’re more items like flour, sauces, coffee, sugar, spices, cake mixes, or even washing powder,’ she said.
‘Not just something to get you through the next few days – these are items which help to set up a home.
‘If you have to go out and buy them all at once, it’s quite expensive – and for someone who’s starting out again with very few resources, just being able to go to the cupboard and add a few dried herbs to a meal or whip up a batch of pikelets is a big thing.
‘Part of feeling like you’re really home is being able to do those small things without thinking.’