
You make a difference

Article ImageLucy* aged 16 had to leave school and home abruptly. In fact, she had to run. Unfortunately her story is too familiar. Over 40% of those experiencing homelessness in Australia are aged 25 or younger.

Most young people experiencing homelessness are not homeless by choice. It is their only option. Often they are hidden. Young people who are homeless are also more likely to experience higher unemployment than the rest of the population, often have worse health outcomes, and have little to no income. Homelessness can become a cycle once started, especially when so young.
We engage youth through education, awareness and volunteer programs, which play a vital role in prevention and support as well as many outreach services. We thank the many primary and high schools around the state for supporting Rosies and our friends in so many ways.  You make a difference to help break this cycle of homelessness by supporting Rosies. Have a cuppa for Rosies this Spring to support youth at risk like Lucy or donate now.