A Human heart

fr johnI take part in as many Rosies outreaches as I possibly can. I am astonished to see so much generosity and goodwill from participants.
How beautiful to see the warm hearts at work! How beautiful it is to see such willingness from everyone to set up a peaceful venue where all of us can meet, talk, and share our stories, challenges, and happiness in life. This is the face of mercy. People who gather at an outreach come from such a variety of backgrounds. I am actually amazed to even see how diverse our team of volunteers are. Some might be business owners, others bakers, cooks, or university students. It does not matter once they team up under the same Rosies T-shirt and equally support one other.
The human heart is made to love and mercy is the expression of this love. Mercy reveals itself once the person disregards what sets him or her apart from a brother or sister and looks sincerely into the eyes of this other person. Mercy relies on understanding, patience, and compassion.
Rosies outreaches are a perfect way to put our mercy into practice. One can meet a perfect stranger, and yet give this person the time to listen; the time to talk. It is about acknowledging a person for who he or she is, a human being. This contributes to bringing one’s dignity back.

Fr John David OMI
Rosies Chaplain